FAQ on 4th gen hiv test
how accurate is a 4th gen hiv test at 4 & 5 weeks
4th Generation hiv test kit is highly accurate due to its sensitivity of 98.9% and accuracy is not below 99.80% concluded as per testimonials and research done by various agencies recommended by Govt and NGO’s around the globe.
how sensitive is the 4th generation hiv test ?
4th Generation hiv test kit is highly accurate due to its sensitivity of 98.9%
is 4th generation hiv test conclusive ?
4th generation hiv test is highly accurate and specific in showing up the result it is highly conclusive if the test has been done as per the procedure this is technology is highest and latest in the diagnostic industry so there is no further generations available as of now. Evidence suggests that a test taken 6 weeks after your last risk is accurate for more than 90% of the population. Although testing after 6 weeks but before 12 weeks may give you a good indication as to your HIV status, we still recommend that you retest at 12 weeks for a 100% accurate negative test result 4th generation tests are accurate 14 days after exposure, because this is when the p24 antigen becomes high enough to measure; effectively reducing the window period by average of 14 days
what is the window period for 4th generation hiv test ?
usually the window period of lower generation test kits are very long but 4th gen hiv test kit has awesome speed and sensitivity of picking up the hiv through its multiple antigens in sandwich technology with window period of 9-25 days.
4th generation hiv test home kit freely available ?
Yes, 4th generation hiv test home kit are widely available in US UK and european countries now US FDA has also cleared and made 4th generation hiv test home kit open in the market but due to technology and marketing constraints very few companies are able to reach consumers.
how to use hiv rapid test kit ?
Using and testing with any rapid test kit has become very simple nowadays all rapid test kits are supplied with instruction leaflets and accessories which can be done without any equipment for 4th gen hiv test
picture of 4th generation hiv test kit please how it looks ?
here is the picture of picture of 4th gen hiv test kit it looks as normal rapid kits only
Where can i buy a 4th Generation HIV test kit ?
you can buy 4th gen hiv test kit anywhere in the world online or offline or even get tested from your nearest lab
The 4th generation EIA test is the standard HIV laboratory screening test used in BC. Ninety-nine percent of these tests will be positive 6 weeks after a person gets HIV. This test looks for the genetic material of HIV in the blood. It is also known as the “early HIV test” or “RNA test” UK guidelines recommend a window period of six weeks for a 4th generation antigen/antibody test. By this time 99% of infections will be detected (see Figure 7). Testing after only four weeks will detect 95% of infections. A negative result at 6 weeks with a 4th generation test does not need to be confirmed
4th gen hiv test kit POSITIVE :* Two or three distinct colored lines appear. One line should always appear in the control line region (C), and another one or two apparent colored line(s) should appear in the test line region(s) (T1 and/or T2). *NOTE: The intensity of the color in the test line region (T1 and T2) will vary depending on the concentration of HIV antibodies present in the specimen. Therefore, any shade of color in the test line region (T1 and/or T2) should be considered positive. hiv test kit NEGATIVE: One colored line appears in the control region (C). No apparent colored lines appear in the test line regions (T1 and T2). INVALID: Control line fails to appear. Insufficient specimen volume or incorrect procedural techniques are the most likely reasons for control line failure
microsidd hiv test kit review
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Comments (6)
Hundred percent working..???
yes it works i have checked
If the control line appears and no line appears on Test line, shall we consider this test valid and Negative ? Or we can doubt on the result and it can be invalid ?
Control line must appear to declare test as valid and Negative
If I do test with in 2 week of exposure it’s shows 100% accurate
Very reliable hiv test kit it’s 4th generation and there is no kit higher accurate than this as of today, simply go on